About the Center

The Coordination Center of ALLATRA International Public Movement is the central body responsible for the support, coordination and regulation of the global activities of ALLATRA movement.

Objectives of the Coordination Center are to:

  • shape a unified information environment of the international character to ensure a high level of organization of constructive collective interaction of the participants;
  • unify initiatives and efforts of representatives of different countries for fruitful joint socially oriented activities across the world;
  • creating conditions for the effective implementation of social, cultural, and socially significant initiatives, programs, and international projects aimed at studying the topic of climate change, uniting people, and fostering the development of intellectual and spiritual cooperation among the peoples of the world.

Areas of activity:

  • coordination of activities of participants and representatives of the movement in different countries; establishing cooperation of the heads, coordinators and partners of ALLATRA International Movement;
  • preparation and organization of international coordination meetings for active participants, representatives, coordinators, and partners of the movement aim to strengthen international cooperation and find effective ways to address issues related to global climate change, as well as other problems of society;
  • Initiating social projects aimed at improving human livelihoods, realizing their natural rights and freedoms, fostering international solidarity among socially active citizens worldwide based on friendship, kindness, and mutual assistance, as well as cultural, ethic, moral, and socially constructive values;
  • developing informational materials aimed at raising awareness in society about climate change on Earth, the value of every person's life, and promoting respect for human dignity;
  • international cooperation with social movements, community, public, governmental and intergovernmental organizations, foundations, professional associations, trade unions, academia and mass media of countries worldwide.

History of creation

The Coordination Center of ALLATRA International Public Movement was created on the initiative of people of good will living in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Australia.

The Head office of ALLATRA International Public Movement is located in the U.S.A.