ALLATRA President Discussed Climate Change with Pope Francis

Pope Francis and ALLATRA President Maryna Ovtsynova. Photo credit: Vatican Media
Pope Francis received ALLATRA President at an audience in the Vatican.
VATICAN CITY --- Pope Francis hosted distinguished scientists and experts from various countries and disciplines at a private audience at the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. The selected attendees were participants in the Three-day International Conference on 'Generative Artificial Intelligence and Technocratic Paradigm,' organized by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation (CAPP) - operating within the Secretariat of State of the Holy See and led by the esteemed Chairwoman, Dr. Anna Maria Tarantola.
Pope Francis with participants of the conference. Photo credit: Vatican Media
Pope Francis with CAPP Chairwoman, Dr. Anna Maria Tarantola. Photo credit: Vatican Media
Pope Francis with participants of the conference. Photo credit: Vatican Media
Among the invited guests were Dr. A. Egon Cholakian, a National Security Expert, and Washington, D.C. Governmental Affairs Advisor to the ALLATRA International Public Movement (and CAPP Foundation member), Maryna Ovtsynova, President of the ALLATRA International Public Movement.
Pope Francis and Dr. A. Egon Cholakian, a National Security Expert, Washington D.C. Governmental Affairs Advisor to the ALLATRA International Public Movement, CAPP Foundation member. Photo credit: Vatican Media
During the audience at the Vatican, the President of ALLATRA presented to Pope Francis a climate report 'On The Progression Of Climatic Disasters On Earth And Their Catastrophic Consequences.' In their personal conversation, she raised the issue of climate change as a global problem, emphasizing that it represents one of the most pressing challenges for humanity.
Pope Francis and ALLATRA President Maryna Ovtsynova. Photo credit: Vatican Media
During the conversation, Pope Francis listened attentively and expressed his pleasure in offering his blessing to the ALLATRA International Public Movement. Following the event, Maryna Ovtsynova, President of ALLATRA, also personally received a blessing from the Holy See and Pope Francis on this significant day for the ALLATRA organization.
Pope Francis and ALLATRA President Maryna Ovtsynova. Photo credit: Vatican Media
Pope Francis and ALLATRA President Maryna Ovtsynova. Photo credit: Vatican Media
Pope Francis and ALLATRA President Maryna Ovtsynova. Photo credit: Vatican Media
Additionally, the international conference featured discussions on technological innovations that are set to shape the future of civilization.
Since the future of humanity will be played out on the front of technological innovation, Pope Francis stated, "We must not miss the opportunity to think and act in a new way, with mind, heart and hands," in order to "direct innovation toward a configuration centered on the primacy of human dignity." - cites 'Vatican News.'
Pope Francis with participants of the conference. Photo credit: Vatican Media
During the event, in a pivotal discussion with conference organizers, Maryna Ovtsynova, President of the ALLATTRA International Public Movement, addressed the pressing global threats to freedom and democracy. Mrs. Ovtsynova addressed the ongoing investigation into the illegal persecution of ALLATRA participants in several countries with low democracy indexes. Specifically, she detailed how they were subjected to a defamation campaign initiated by a Russian anti-cult organization. Additionally, she mentioned that this defamation campaign occurred not only in Russia but also in Ukraine, which indicates the significant influence of the Russian anti-cult organization on Ukraine.
During the conversation, Maryna Ovtsynova also raised the issue that anti-cult organizations, which exist contrary to democratic norms, cast a shadow on faith and on what Christianity stands for—freedom of religion and freedom of conscience.
During an audience on June 22, 2024, Maryna Ovtsynova expressed heartfelt gratitude to Pope Francis for his significant contributions as a responsible and decisive leader in the social integration of the Roman Catholic Church and for strengthening its role in contemporary secular society. She also thanked him for his kindness, warmth, and support during this special moment for ALLATRA.
Following their conversation with the Head of the Catholic Church, Mrs. Ovtsynova and Dr. Cholakian engaged in several informal meetings with other participants of the private audience at the Apostolic Palace. These encounters included discussions with Vatican representatives, addressing critical issues concerning the near future.
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