Maryna Ovtsynova, President of ALLATRA International Public Movement, participated in a High-Level meeting with representatives of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

26 September 2024
Maryna Ovtsynova, President of ALLATRA International Public Movement, participated in a High-Level meeting with representatives of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

Maryna Ovtsynova, President of ALLATRA during her official visit to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, where she presented the "Informational and Analytical Report on the Illegal Activities of Anti-Cult Organizations in Ukraine and Internationally"

Maryna Ovtsynova, President of ALLATRA International Public Movement, is a Capitol Hill activist,  engaged in legislative analysis centered on the atmospheric and geophysical impact of climate change on both civil society and national security. Concurrent with her Capitol Hill commitments, Ms. Ovtsynova is pursuing advanced studies at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,  in concert with her participation in the one-year Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Ms. Ovtsynova routinely speaks on climate-related matters at leading venues such as the National Press Club in Washington D.C.  Maryna is a member of Dr. A. Egon Cholakian’s team, which will be presenting its research findings at a preeminent U.S. National Defense Center in 2025, with a compilation of selected papers subsequently submitted to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Department of Defense.

In the course of her climate-related activities, she has been forced to bear the burden of consequential political persecution in several unfriendly jurisdictions. Her climate activities have subsequently culminated in matters related to human rights. Since 2015, the ALLATRA organization has faced a large-scale defamation campaign orchestrated by the Russian anti-cult organization RACIRS. With agents embedded in all three branches of government in both Russia and Ukraine, as well as significant influence in the media, RAСIRS has succeeded in persecuting and harassing participants of ALLATRA.

ALLATRA President Maryna Ovtsynova at the Capitol with a Report on the Illegal Activities of Anti-Cult Organizations for the USCIRF.

It is in light of these adverse events that she became involved with the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), a U.S. federal government agency. Uniquely equipped with “insider” information, she was called upon to present an “Informational and Analytical Report on the Illegal Activities of Anti-Cult Organizations in Ukraine and Internationally.” The main topic of discussion was the organization of hearings in Congress regarding the unlawful persecution of ALLATRA and its participants and the illegal activities of anti-cult organizations and individuals involved in anti-cult activities. Operating within this sphere of influence, Ms. Ovtsynova is well acquainted with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Foreign Agents Registration Act, under which the ALLATRA organization is duly registered.

During the meeting, the widespread destructive activities of anti-cult organizations and their agents across various countries were discussed, highlighting the harm they have caused to billions of people. The conversation also addressed the shocking and illegal aspects of these anti-cult activities that have gone unpunished for the past 30 years.

"Informational and Analytical Report on the Illegal Activities of Anti-Cult Organizations in Ukraine and Internationally" presented at the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

Of particular interest was the activity of the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects (RACIRS) in Ukraine and its contribution to the incitement of war between Russia and Ukraine. RACIRS, through its international anti-cult network, has spread divisive ideologies and incited conflict. Before Russia’s military aggression, RACIRS promoted anti-Ukrainian rhetoric, labeling Ukraine as a “cult-like state” and “terrorist,” which some argue contributed to justifying the conflict. Such portrayal helped frame Ukraine as a “threat” requiring intervention, facilitating the justification of military actions.

Representatives from the U.S. Federal Commission raised an urgent question: why does the network of anti-cult organizations involved in genocide and information attacks still exist? Why haven’t anti-cultists, their agents, and those engaged in anti-cultism been held accountable for their actions? The damage and harm caused by their activities far surpass the consequences of the First and Second World Wars, and the number of victims affected by anti-cult activities is staggering.

The activities of anti-cultists became evident following investigations into their persecution of ALLATRA IPM and its participants, who endured violent anti-cult persecution methods for a painful decade, facing dehumanization and violent targeting. Despite these trials, ALLATRA participants remained steadfast, helping the investigation proceed. As a result, the methods of psychological manipulation employed by anti-cult agents were uncovered, thanks to the heroic resilience of ALLATRA participants.

The threat posed by anti-cult activities is further compounded by their recruitment of agents across all three branches of government, as well as within media and religious circles. Under the pretense of fighting "cults," anti-cult activists, through methods of psychological manipulation, are engaged in covert Nazi propaganda. Cloaking themselves in democratic laws, they are destabilizing society from within, undermining the stability of the state, and cultivating distrust and opposition toward the authorities. In reality, their entire activity is a geopolitical scheme aimed at the destruction of democracy.

Therefore, investigations into these anti-cult organizations have been initiated in the European Union, recognizing their activities as a clear Nazi threat. These investigations represent a significant step toward global accountability, aiming to identify and prosecute those who promote Nazi-like ideologies under the guise of combating religious sects.

Maryna Ovtsynova and representatives from the U.S. Federal Commission emphasized the need to hold accountable those responsible for these destructive anti-cult activities. They urged the international community to address these grave human rights violations.

About ALLATRA International Public Movement

The ALLATRA International Public Movement is a volunteer organization that unites participants from over 180 countries. Its primary goals are to study climate and geodynamic changes on Earth, create an open platform for discussing effective solutions to the global climate crisis, and promote the sustainable development of society. The movement has always been and remains outside of politics and religion. Driven by a sense of responsibility to preserve the planet and prevent climate collapse, ALLATRA continues to inspire global cooperation on critical environmental and social issues.

Featured on: AP News, US Political Press Releases, Benzinga, North America Today, UK Herald Tribune, European News Online, Canadian Herald Tribune, Australia News Reporter, United Kingdom Online News, World Politics Report, Today in Law

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