Experts on Democracy and Climate: Visit of a U.S. Intelligence Expert to the ALLATRA Summit in Prague, Czech Republic

Dr. Egon Cholakian, a U.S. national security expert and federal lobbyist.
The "ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS SUMMIT" on May 11, 2024, featured Dr. Egon Cholakian, a U.S. national security expert. Organized by ALLATRA volunteers.
The international conference "ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS SUMMIT" was held on May 11, 2024, at the Prague Lucerna Palace, a national cultural monument of the Czech Republic.
A special highlight of this conference was the speech by Dr. Egon Cholakian, a U.S. national security expert and federal lobbyist, who attended the event as part of his visit to Europe.
The "ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS SUMMIT" was organized by ALLATRA International Public Movement volunteers. The event attracted guests from 35 countries across North and South America, the European Union, Asia, and Africa. Among the attendees were representatives from various expert groups, academic circles, and the media.
The international conference "ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS SUMMIT" was held on May 11, 2024, at the Prague Lucerna Palace, a national cultural monument of the Czech Republic.
In his speech, Dr. Egon Cholakian emphasized the importance of openly discussing threats to a democratic society and protecting fundamental human rights and freedoms. In light of the investigation into the persecution of the ALLATRA movement by anti-cult organizations and the deliberate discrediting of its authority and image through the media, Cholakian made an important statement. He announced that cooperation with the US Senate, Congress, and the State Department had already been established. He also expressed his honor in representing the ALLATRA movement at the highest level in the United States, highlighting its participants' integrity, education, and exemplary human qualities. Cholakian thanked ALLATRA participants for their active volunteer work aimed at saving human lives.
In addition to addressing issues related to the protection of human rights and threats to democracy, the key topic of the conference was the global climate situation. Detailed information was presented on the exponential growth of climate disasters and efforts to address this issue within the context of supporting the UN's climate change combating initiatives.
The speeches by speakers from the ALLATRA International Public Movement and the allied Creative Society project on climate change and the importance of public awareness were of great interest to the participants of the "ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS SUMMIT." Speakers included Maryna Ovtsynova (USA), President of ALLATRA; Olga Schmidt (USA), President of Creative Society; Dr. John Ahn (USA), an expert in the development of new technologies in the fields of energy, chemical processes, and natural sciences; and independent climate change expert Taliy Shkurupiy (USA). They stated that the climate change predictions of ALLATRA and Creative Society, presented in forums and conferences and translated into 150 languages, are confirmed by actual climate events and the exponential growth of cataclysms each year.
During the conference, documentary films with forecasts about the climate change situation were presented. The trends of climate events developing in the coming years were illustrated by using examples of natural disasters and geodynamic situations in the UAE and China. Additionally, a documentary film about atmospheric water-generating technology was shown. This technology can potentially solve the world's global water crisis, clean the oceans of microplastics, and significantly improve the planet's ecology.
The necessity of finding effective solutions to combat the climate crisis has always been a key aspect of ALLATRA volunteers' activities. The conference also emphasized that the efforts and goals of the ALLATRA International Public Movement are fully aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN).
The main program of the "ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS SUMMIT," including the speeches and the premiere of the popular science films, is available on the ALLATRA TV channel and the Creative Society platform.
Featured on AP News, US National Times,The World Newswire, Czechia Times
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